Sunday, December 2, 2007

'i Catcher-web Monitor darkkaura @ 2007-12-02T13: 16:00

Since Miss

[info] forsake frightens me do this, I'll put here a short list of Christmas gifts, however lie that is Christmas:


  1. First of all I want a Christmas card, because I'm just Zip, and something I collecting postcards. May be by e-mail or regular mail (the latter always makes me more excited, of course). And they can be whatever you want. But I like postcards, and when I get some I'm happy.

  2. Well, at this point I will also copySmall Cherry, because I want a photoblog entry / churnal / foo dedicated to me. Yes, I know, I would hope. I also want to feel the world revolves around from time to time.

  3. Here and we will vary. I want a picture. Not yours but your room. Any particular place that you have your room at special affection. Or some order yours. Whatever. Something as you like yourselves.

  4. I want a phrase or a word or a fragment. Something of a book / movie / song that you reminded me. Or several somethings. : P

  5. Another thing I want is a picture that you make from your room window. To view qhat is what you see when you asomáis for it. The windows are important.

  6. I would also like to write a story cortita, very short, not asking for much, which I saliésemos and their author / author, basically, and then others added, of course:). Can be based on something that actually happened or invent something.

  7. you do want a picture of you. I do not care whatever. I do not care if dibujáis wrong. I am satisfied with the simplest thing in the world.

  8. I also want a picture of something you like very much. Whatever. Imagination.

  9. one day I want ye happy just because, for no apparent reason. Andand day I tell him.

  10. This I leave to your choice, to see if my conseguis also surprised. ;)


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