Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ableton County Alabama 4. Comparison between "Mrs. Dalloway" and "The Hours"

certain times have to resort to analepsis. It is a

important feature of the novel is unconventional way to treat time and this also appears in the film, where the flashbacks are not as we see regularly. In addition, actions follow a linear development is stopped with the concatenation of stories inevitably introduced by a jump in time but do not break the simultaneity of actions in different time levels of the three stories by a one story almost homogeneous. Both works highlighted the inexorable passing of time is something we can not avoid even Refugees & ain the film, is the simplest way to assess all relationships between the book and the film:

Clarissa Dalloway Clarissa Vaughan is clearly at least as clear references to its name and is hosting a major event being prepared with great care, as in the book. It is a very outstanding character acting of others, constantly worrying that they are well that's what she thinks will give the peace and stability in life despite concern by the passage of time and hidden fear of return to his past. & amlly or simply was a roommate and not your partner, but instead seems to be married to the poet as due to her illness and why not say it to a past relationship that was, visits him every day and spends most of his time talking about making your life revolves around his genius and figure. Sally and just relegated to the level of friendship. Hence the name for the character of the poet is Richard and Septimus no name or another similar to it have the most modern practice in this century.

The star of the second History, Laura Brown, also has features common to Clarissa Vaughan and Clarissa Dalloway, as may well be an effort to please the demásy the fact that at least want a relationship that is not the traditional male-female, despite having a husband idi lic, but it is attracted by her friend who could be a reflection of Sally. But this story at the end just for the repression of feelings on both sides because of the taboos of society. Laura Brown is also all those thoughts and attitudes about suicide, all clusters in a person who gives the impression that hieratic and yet is housed inside swirl feelings that make you act confused and that led youan to think about suicide and clearly. But over a few hours in a second of serenity decides to end with those desires and change completely. So we can say that she is thinking and reflection on death and hence it is difficult for us to see it as if it were a human.

Time to see what role it plays Virginia Woolf in this story. Part of the film is a day of his biography, it was clear to everyone now. But you have to think beyond and see how the personality of Virginia Woolf is printed in the book "Mrs.Dalloway "and transferred to the two remaining stories in" The Hours. " Virginia Woolf was a woman marked by the madness which however had an awareness of the reality much better than anyone else. I thought a lot about death, as reflected in his works, and focusing on "Mrs. Dalloway" it reflected well on the suicide of Septimus. She wanted to kill him twice before the third was the charm. Woolf saw death not as a tragic sense of life, as to the time he had seen, if not an opportunity for your environment to understand life in s & iacutee; it and to learn to appreciate it as this. Septimus is a disappointed man, like Richard, both have the same vision of the world and commit suicide because of bitterness and despair. Virginia gives us no education, but it makes us go in their search, only one who understands the meaning of the death of Septimus and Richard both the poet can truly realize that life bad things happen and that suicide is not able to change your own circumstances, you only leave things pending.

relacióny On the comparison between the novel and film described anteriormente are the most important. Although The Hours is based not on Mrs. Dalloway, but on the novel by Michael Cunningham, the way Daldry (director of the film) offers the work leads to a relatively easy identification the accióny the characters in the film and the novel Woolf.


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