Thursday, January 15, 2009

Warts Caused By High Tryglicerides 1. Presentation of the author Virginia Woolf and her style

outstanding figure of the "Bloomsbury Group" as a novelist and literary critic, his poetic style and technique of interior monologue are considered among the most important contributions to the modern novel.

Adeline Virginia Stephen (Virginia Woolf after marriage) was born in London on January 25, 1882. Daughter of Sir Leslie Stephen, was educated at home where he grew up in an environment frequented by artists and intellectuals, which enabled him to acquire a major cultural level despite not having gone to school. After the death of his father (1905) moves with his two brothersBloomsbury, a London neighborhood that became the meeting place of old college mates older brother and intellectuals to be known eventually as the Bloomsbury group. At the age of thirty years in 1912, became Virginia Woolf to marry Leonard Woolf, also a member of the famous group, who in 1917 founded the Hogarth Press publisher, who edited the works of important writers such as TS Eliot, Freud, or the actual Virginia Woolf.

Already with his first works, "One Way" and "Night and Day" demonstrates his ability to break the molds narrative seen h


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